escrito por abbGrowers

How it's done: Fred Douven and the blueberries in a leading role

It was a nice afternoon on December 9th during the recording of an episode of the reportage series How it’s done, by RTL Z. The film team visiting abbGrowers this time.

Fred Douven, CEO abbGrowers, shows and explains how the blueberries are sorted and packed in the various punnets and cups.
It becomes clear how important it is that every link in the chain of the packaging process, takes place under controlled and conditioned conditions.
In the entire process, from the arrival of the berries to delivery to the customer, quality and traceability are very important.

For the result, click here.


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Fred Douven

+31 77 2300004

Mery Douven
Back Office

+31 77 2300004

Miranda Spreeuwenberg
Back Office

+31 77 2300004